Cell Culture Company is a world leader in perfusion technology

For 30 years, our technology has enabled innovation in monoclonal antibody and recombinant protein manufacturing. At our facilities in Minneapolis, MN, we develop, manufacture, and supply hollow fiber bioreactors to companies all over the world.

Quality Policy

Our expertise:

Manufacturing bioreactors and providing contract manufacturing services.

Our core values:

Continuous Improvement, Collaboration, & Consistency

These values are embodied in our Quality Management System and culture.

Our commitment: 

Dedicating the necessary resources to ensure our products and services meet or exceed regulatory, customer, and internal requirements.

– Rebecca Thompson, Chief Executive Officer

Industries Using Cell Culture Company’s Hollow Fiber Bioreactors:

  • Diagnostics: In vitro diagnostic (IVD) reagents
  • Therapeutics: FDA-approved and clinical stage biologic
  • Ancillary Reagents: Support for therapeutics
  • Academic Laboratories: Core and research labs
  • Veterinary: Immunodiagnostic reagents
  • Research: GLP-grade protein products
  • Contract Manufacturing Organizations: Variety of protein production applications

Our Location


8500 Evergreen Blvd. NW
Minneapolis, MN 55433